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Inspector appointed to assess minerals and waste development policy

Published September 25, 2023 10.46am

Inspectors have been appointed to oversee the final development of a new policy document for minerals and waste development in County Durham.

We have been developing our Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document (M&WDPD) which will outline policies for the consideration of mineral or waste developments, such as quarries or recycling centres, in the county.

Informed through consultation with residents, businesses, the minerals and waste industry, key stakeholders and neighbouring authorities at all stages, the final draft of the M&WDPD was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination.

We have received notification that two inspectors have been appointed to oversee the Examination in Public, with hearing sessions taking place from 10am on Tuesday 26 September until Thursday 28 September at Durham Town Hall.

Supporting communities

Cllr Elizabeth Scott, our Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: "We are pleased to be reaching the final stages of the Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document, which has been produced through multiple phases of consultation with residents, businesses, and partners.

"The policies will support our County Durham Plan, a comprehensive document covering all aspects of planning to ensure that County Durham is a successful place to live, work, invest and visit by focussing on supporting and creating vibrant communities."

Environmental planning 

The M&WDPD will be used to influence future planning application decisions, with consideration being given to factors such as noise, air quality and dust, blasting vibration, and traffic and transport.

This is to ensure developments do not have adverse impacts on the environment, local communities, or people's health.

The document also contains policies for extracting economically important minerals, such as lithium, and policies on the recovery and disposal of waste.

The M&WDPD has been prepared in line with relevant government policies including the latest guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Policy for Waste and Planning Practice Guidance.

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