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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

Peer Mentors

Peer mentors are adults who have been in care, who now volunteer to support young people as they get ready to leave care and become care leavers.

Peer mentors are adults who have been in care, who now volunteer to support young people as they get ready to leave care and become care leavers.  

If you ask us for a peer mentor, we try to match you up with someone you have something in common with, maybe a shared hobby or being from the same area.

You can chat to your peer mentor about living in your own home, joining local groups or clubs, meeting people where you live and keeping up your friendships with people you know and other care leavers.

We will also pay for you and your peer mentor to go and take part in activities together in your local community.

If you're interested in being matched up with a peer mentor then drop us an email at

If you're a care experienced adult and would be interested in becoming a care leaver visit our Peer Mentors - using your care experience to help young people page.

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