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Shotley Bridge Conservation Area

Shotley Bridge is situated at a crossing of the river Derwent and the conservation area boundary crosses into Northumberland. It is located approximately 14 miles from the City of Durham and 12 miles from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Shotley Bridge has ancient agricultural origins and boasts an extensive industrial history, the remnants of which can still be glimpsed behind its grand exterior, today its interest lies predominantly in its impressive Victorian architecture, form and character.

The conservation area was designated in 1975, and was reviewed and amended in 1981, 1994, 2002 and 2009.

Shotley Bridge Conservation Area Appraisal

To ensure County Durham's conservation areas are properly managed, we produce Conservation Area Character Appraisal documents that will help raise awareness of their special character and interest. The Shotley Bridge Conservation Area Character Appraisal was formally adopted by our Cabinet on 16 December 2009 and recommends ways to improve and to manage change as well as providing an interesting history and snapshot of the area.

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