News-Council asks for views on future of Bishop Auckland
Residents and businesses are being asked to have their say on their feelings for and interactions with Bishop Auckland to help support its ongoing regeneration....
Find out about Supported Lodgings
Supported lodgings is a scheme set up by us to provide housing within people's homes for vulnerable young people aged 16+ and those leaving care. The length of ...
Supported lodgings stories
Find out from other people how rewarding being a Supported Lodgings provider is.
Supported lodgings
Supported lodgings is a scheme set up by us to provide housing within people's homes for vulnerable young people aged 16+ and those leaving care. The length of ...
Planning advice and enquiries
Check if you need planning permission for the work you want to do before you submit an application. Find out about our pre-application advice services.
Keep your community clean and tidy
Working in partnership with local community groups and councillors along with taking a pro-active approach to environmental issues around the county.
Planning decisions and appeals
Find out how we make decisions and how to appeal if your planning application is refused or if you disagree with conditions that are imposed.
Regeneration, Economy and Growth
Information about our Regeneration, Economy and Growth directorate.
Adult and Health Services
Adult and Health Services works to support adult care and public health in County Durham.
Care of the Catheterised Patient for Health Care Assistants
Delivered in partnership with the NHS this course aims to increase your knowledge of the general principles of catheter care and maintenance, infection control,...