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    Searching on Ʊ׶ ٺ ̱ǰƮ ǰǸ ȿ þ˸ ¶ Ź ? ߱ġ Ǹó ڽԹ ǰ Ʈ Ǹó Ʈ þ˸ Ǹ found 1492 results
    Page 28 of 150
    • Autism and social communication

      We support the progress and development of children and young people with social communication differences in school.

    • Speech and language support

      Our speech and language support team support the needs of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs within their educational setti...

    • Report school based fraud

      School based fraud is any fraud linked to a schools activities whether it be by a teacher, member of staff or a contractor and supplier.

    • Report procurement fraud

      Procurement fraud is any unlawful activity at any stage of the procurement cycle, from the decision to procure, to the conclusion of the contract. It includes t...

    • Superseded former District Local Plans

      These Local Plans were put in place for the former districts of County Durham before the local authority was unitised in 2009, the County Durham Plan now replac...

    • Diversions

      We deal with many applications for footpath diversions for a variety of reasons.

    • Definitive map modification orders or claims

      You can apply to us to change the definitive map and statement if you believe the map is incorrect.

    • Payments to suppliers over £500 2018/19

      The reports on this page list payments with a value of £500 or over (exclusive of VAT) made to suppliers. The reports are prepared and published 30 days after t...

    • Payments to suppliers over £500 2019/20

      The reports on this page list payments with a value of £500 or over (exclusive of VAT) made to suppliers. The reports are prepared and published 30 days after t...

    • Transforming communities in County Durham

      We are regenerating the county's towns and villages, improving the areas where people live, work and visit. We will speed up this work through our Towns and Vil...


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