News-Meeting County Durham's housing needs
Councillors in County Durham will discuss the allocation of social housing when they meet next week.
Sleep Action workshops
For parents and carers of children from 3 to 16 years old, our Sleep Action workshops give you information and techniques to help you support your child to get ...
Care leavers aged over 25
Once you reach 25 years old, your official care leaver status ends, but that doesn't mean we want to stop hearing from you.
Care leavers - our local offer for you
Find out more about the support we give to care leavers.
Home to school travel assistance
This page gives you information on travel assistance for children of compulsory school age to and from schools, as well as for those who are post 16.
3 Towns AAP Board meetings
Board meeting dates and meeting minutes.
School reorganisation and redevelopment
Find out about consultations on any proposed reorganisations to County Durham schools including amalgamations, closures, federations and plans to build new scho...
Ready to learn?
Boost your confidence with free local courses.
Development Plan for County Durham
Find information about our Development Plan, which sets out how planning and development in County Durham is managed.
News-Council asks for views on future of Bishop Auckland
Residents and businesses are being asked to have their say on their feelings for and interactions with Bishop Auckland to help support its ongoing regeneration....