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    Searching on ī׶ 50mg þ˸Ǹ ¶ Ʈ ? ǰƮ Ŵ Ʊ׶ǰȮι ¶ Ǹó ͳ Ʊ׶ ó þ˸ ŻƮ Ʈ found 1494 results
    Page 19 of 150
    • Apply for a school place in another council area County Durham and your child is due to start Reception (primary school), Year 3 (junior school only) or Year 7 (secondary school)...

    • Find out more about the course content

      Find out what you'll be studying each day. Day 1 Welcome ILP's - individual learning plan to set some goals for your time on programme....

    • Shildon-Sunnydale Leisure Centre

      ...visit, Shildon-Sunnydale Leisure Centre has a range of activities including gym, exercise classes, 3G pitch and athletics track.

    • Meadowfield Leisure Centre

      ...inspires your visit, Meadowfield Leisure Centre has a range of activities including gym, exercise classes, squash and a 3G pitch.

    • Cycling groups and clubs

      ...further afield, improve your cycling skills or knowledge of bike maintenance why don't you join a local cycling club? Find details...

    • Pool programme review your views on how you use your local pool, what's important to you and what you'd like to see included in future timetables.

    • Online learning courses work? We offer a range of distance learning courses from entry level to Level 3 covering a range of subject including health,...

    • Healthy Start

      If you're more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. You...

    • Join our housing conversation

      We'd like to hear from you to help us write our next housing strategy. Join our housing conversation and help us shape a new plan...

    • Preparing for Maths GCSEs course

      If your child is about to start their GSCEs, our You + Multiply = 0 GCSE Stress Course can help you support them.


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