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    There are 2388 results
    Page 30 of 239
    • A177 South Road (park and ride)

      Live traffic information from our camera on the A177 looking towards the Howlands park and ride.

    • Snow clearance

      Find information about road and footpath clearance during heavy snow.

    • Online payments with eStore

      eStore is your way to make payments for council goods and services online. Find out more about the system and the advantages of registering for an account below...

    • Sedgefield Conservation Area

      The Sedgefield Conservation Area was designated in May 1971, and reviewed and amended in 1993 and 2016. An Article 4(2) direction was placed upon the residentia...

    • Lanchester Conservation Area

      The Lanchester Conservation Area was designated in 1972 and amended in 1994 and 2016. An Article 4(2) Direction was placed upon the residential properties in 19...

    • Durham City Local Plan

      The City of Durham Local Plan sets out the development strategy for the former district and the land use policies and allocations required to deliver this strat...

    • Sustainable drainage systems

      Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are drainage solutions that provide an alternative to the direct guiding of rainwater through pipes and sewers to nearby riv...

    • Self builds

      The government wants more people to build or commission their own home. To help in this, the Self Build and Custom Build Act 2015 requires us to keep a register...

    • Traffic safety and traffic calming schemes

      Traffic safety schemes are introduced to solve a problem on one or more roads.

    • Needles, syringes and drugs equipment

      If you come across a discarded syringe or needle please report the location to us.


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