Business driver training schemes
If you employ drivers as part of your business operation book them on one of our driver training courses to improve safety and help to reduce your spend on fuel...
Businesses exempt from paying
Some business properties do not have to pay business rates.
Rateable value (business rates) appeals
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) reassesses the rateable values of all business properties, usually every five years. From 2023 this will be reduced to every t...
What happens if you don't pay your business rates?
What to do if you can't pay and what action we take against people and businesses that don't.
Set up a direct debit for business rates
Set up a direct debit for a safe and hassle free way of paying your business rates.
Building and facilities maintenance
Find out how our building and facilities maintenance services can meet your business needs.
Caravan and camping site licence
Under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (subject to certain exceptions), if any part of your land is to be used as a caravan and/ or camping...
Training and support for adult social care staff
Find out more about ongoing training and development we can offer you if you are already working in adult social care.
Chairman's Medal
The Chairman's Medal is the highest honour that Durham County Council can award to individuals and organisations for outstanding voluntary contribution to Count...
Carer's staff network
We recognise that many employees juggle work while also caring for an older, disabled or ill relative or friend.