Thornley Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip)
Thornley Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) operates every day except Friday.
Tudhoe Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip)
Tudhoe Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) operates every day.
Mental health support for adults
Just like our physical health, our mental health can change constantly and is affected by what is happening around us.
Street trading consents and licences
If you want to trade in particular streets in County Durham, including in a street market, you may need a street trading licence or consent from us.
Pay and display bays
On-street pay and display bays are found in Durham City and Seaham.
Consultation on a long term plan for Spennymoor
We want to hear your views about Spennymoor to help develop a new long term plan for the town and how we can best use government funding.
Corporate Enforcement Policy
Our corporate enforcement policy outlines how we administer and enforce a range of legislation across a variety of services which helps to protect our residents...
Move from agency social work to working for the council
Lots of social workers work for an agency at some point in their career.
Apply to put hoardings or building material on a public road and pavement
You need a licence to put hoardings or building material on public roads and pavements.
Home to school travel assistance for secondary school children
This page gives you information about home to school travel assistance for children attending secondary school.