Early Years SEND, Equalities and Inclusion Team
We are specialist Advisors, offering a countywide service to practitioners, Early Years providers, childminders, schools (mainstream and special) and other prof...
Information about how we moderate our website.
What to do if someone dies abroad
Information about deaths which occur outside of England and Wales.
You said, we did (special educational needs and disabilities)
We want to make our Local Offer right for you! We are continually working with local partners, parents, carers children and young people to develop the Local Of...
Regional health scrutiny
Information about the role of overview and scrutiny in relation to regional health issues.
About the County Durham Early Years Healthy Settings Framework
The Early Years Healthy Settings Framework aims to address health needs, reduce health inequalities and to teach healthy behaviour in children aged 0-5 years an...
Digital community: Expand digital access across the county
Through our delivery theme of 'digital community' we are committed to Improving digital infrastructure and connectivity, providing people and businesses with th...
Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultation (stage three)
We want your views on the final draft of the SPD following the two rounds of consultation in 2021 and 2022. The SPD provides guidance to ensure an appropriate l...
Street naming and numbering
We are responsible for street naming and numbering within County Durham.
Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth, and includes all species of plants and animals and the natural systems which support them.