Make a complaint
We are committed to putting our customers first. However, if you are unhappy with any of our services, this page tells you how to make a complaint so we can do ...
Footpath Number 13, Urpeth Parish, Hammer Square Bank, Beamish Temporary Footpath Closure Order 2024 HM
Find out about the Footpath Number 13, Urpeth Parish, Hammer Square Bank, Beamish Temporary Footpath Closure Order 2024 HM.
Staying healthy in pregnancy
Getting some exercise, eating well and keeping up with your antenatal appointments will help you to have a healthy pregnancy.
End of life planning
End of life planning can help us prepare for the future. By spending a little time now, we can relieve the decision-making burden on the people we love and crea...
Working with the council
We encourage competition and welcome bids from all sections of the community, from new and established suppliers, from small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)...
About Us
County Durham is a large county with a wide range of settlements and landscapes. This page gives you an overview of the county and Durham County Council.
Kinship care
Kinship care is when a child lives full-time or most of the time with a relative or friend because they are unable to live with their parents, usually because t...
Healthy eating in early years settings
This theme will support settings to raise awareness of healthy eating and good eating habits within existing practice and promote, educate and encourage familie...
Physical activity in early years settings
This theme will support settings to increase physical activity opportunities within existing practice and promote and support families to increase physical acti...
Flu vaccination
The flu vaccination is available from the NHS every year to help protect adults and children at risk of flu and its complications.