Cycling groups and clubs
...further afield, improve your cycling skills or knowledge of bike maintenance why don't you join a local cycling club? Find details...
Pool programme review your views on how you use your local pool, what's important to you and what you'd like to see included in future timetables.
Healthy Start
If you're more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. You...
Join our housing conversation
We'd like to hear from you to help us write our next housing strategy. Join our housing conversation and help us shape a new plan...
Beamish Museum
Client L was referred to the men's group from his Occupational Therapist at Derwent clinic (Adult Mental Health). Following a stroke...
Durham City infrastructure
£1.46 million has been allocated for the repair and maintenance of paving and street furniture in Durham City.
Report a planning problem
...development activity or illegal advertisement taking place near you which you don't believe has planning permission - report it...
Disclosing personal information to other public organisations
How to apply for the release of information under Schedule 2, Part 1 Section 2 or Section 5 of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018.
Pre-school group for children with complex needs (Portage)
The group is for families of children aged 2 to 3 years, who are experiencing challenges interacting and communicating with others.
Eating well for less course
Healthy eating doesn't have to be expensive - and can be delicious!