Land at Greencroft Industrial Park, Annfield Plain
For sale.
Site of former Impact Centre, Murton
For sale.
Ropery Lane Cemetery House, Chester-le-Street
For sale.
Council Tax Reduction scheme
If you're on a low income, whether in work, unemployed or retired, you may be able to claim this discount.
Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) drop-in sessions
Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is a statutory service supporting parents/carers of children with special educational needs and di...
Council Tax on empty properties and second homes
If you own an empty property, after one year the amount of Council Tax you pay depends on the length of the time the property is empty for. However you may be a...
Report changes affecting your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction
If you get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, you should tell us straight away if anything changes that could affect the amount you're entitled to.
Money off Council Tax for disabled people
Your Council Tax bill may be reduced if a permanently disabled person (adult or child) lives in the home. This is called Council Tax disabled band reduction.
Council Tax hardship relief
In some cases, where you are struggling with your bill, we may be able to temporarily reduce the amount you pay.
Tell us you've moved house or had a change in circumstances
If you move house or if anything changes that may affect how much Council Tax you pay or discounts you receive, you must tell us as soon as possible.