Great stories from our children and families social work teams
Find out more about the exciting and life changing work of our social work teams supporting children and young people over the last year.
Club premises certificate
To authorise the supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment in a qualifying club in County Durham, you need a club premises certificate from us.
The cost of parking fines
There are two levels of fine - £50 and £70. Both rates will be reduced by 50% if you pay within 14 days of the date of issue.
Animal feed regulation
Animal feed plays an important part in the food chain and has implications for the contents and quality of livestock products that people eat, such as milk, mea...
Public access internet guidance
Our library service provides free public access to the internet in 39 libraries across County Durham, ensuring it fulfils its role as being a source of informat...
Transport policy
Transport policies help us decide where best to spend money to improve transport for everyone.
Premises approval for marriage or civil ceremonies
The Marriage Act 1994 allows civil marriages to be solemnised at locations other than registration offices. Locations in County Durham must be approved by us be...
Apply for a premises licence
You need to obtain a premises licence from us if you want to sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or supply late night refreshment at any premises in C...
Helping students recycle
How students can play their part by recycling correctly
Retailers we've supported
We've helped many retail businesses in the county. Below you'll find information and testimonials from just a few of them.