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    Searching on local plans found 990 results
    Page 28 of 99
    • School reorganisation and redevelopment

      ...reorganisations to County Durham schools including amalgamations, closures, federations and plans to build new schools, including details...

    • Air handling units

      Air Handling Units can be found in both commercial and industrial premises.

    • News-People urged to have their say on our priorities

      People in County Durham are being invited to have their say on our priorities up until 2029.

    • Transport policy

      Transport policies help us decide where best to spend money to improve transport for everyone.

    • Environment news

      ...look after County Durham and make the most of where you live with news about our local environment including heritage and countryside...

    • Loading bays alternative parking to allow loading/unloading of heavy or bulky goods to/from local businesses. This reserves space for deliveries...

    • Guide on how to become a supplier of goods, works and/or services

      ...competition and welcome bids from new and established suppliers, especially from local small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), third...

    • Care services outside your home

      Find out about the many local services which provide short periods of care or support away from the home. These services can help with...

    • Pool programme review us shape our new timetables for 2023, by giving your views on how you use your local pool, what's important to you and what you'd...

    • Dog fouling

      Dog fouling spoils the environment, upsets local residents and can cause serious health risks, particularly to children. Pick up your...


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