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    Searching on ? þ˸ Ǹó Ѣ C?iA?7?5?6?.C?O?M? Ի̱ڽƽ Ź ˸ ǰ ī׶ Դ¹ ? ߱ġ Ǹó Ծ౹ ǰ þ˸ ŻƮ found 1490 results
    Page 33 of 149
    • The business benefits of developing a workplace travel plan

      An effective travel plan has many benefits for companies, as well as individual employees.

    • How to develop a workplace travel plan

      Whilst all new developments are required to have a travel plan due to planning process guidelines, many organisations can see the benefits of developing a docum...

    • Taxi ranks

      Find out where our taxi ranks are in County Durham.

    • Industrial injuries

      Industrial Injuries benefits are paid if you are disabled as a result of an accident at work or a disease caused by your job (but not if you are self-employed)....

    • Employment of children

      Many young people of compulsory school age in County Durham have part-time jobs. This can be a positive experience provided that the type of employment is suita...

    • Permitted hours of employment

      Details of the hours young people of compulsory school age are allowed to work in part-time employment.

    • Personal travel plans

      A personalised travel plan provides information specific to an individual to assist them make sustainable journeys.

    • Register to vote

      Register to vote, or change your details on the electoral register, for example if you vote. You only need to register once - not for every election.

    • Flood warnings, help and advice

      In this section you'll find emergency contacts, help and safety advice if you're being flooded, what's in place locally and what you can do to reduce the risk a...

    • Winter service information

      Details of our winter services such as gritting, snow clearance and salt bins. Daily weather forecasts, weather warnings and information about road and school c...


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