Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed your baby.
Owen's story
After having had various jobs and a period of not working, Owen's wife persuaded him to consider being a care worker... and he's never looked back.
Premises approval for marriage or civil ceremonies
The Marriage Act 1994 allows civil marriages to be solemnised at locations other than registration offices. Locations in County Durham must be approved by us be...
Benefits available after a death
The time after a death is the worst time to have to deal with leaflets and forms. This page tells you about benefits you might be able to claim and how any bene...
Food labelling and composition
Food offered to customers must be safe to eat and be of satisfactory quality.
Retailers we've supported
We've helped many retail businesses in the county. Below you'll find information and testimonials from just a few of them.
Mental health support for adults
Just like our physical health, our mental health can change constantly and is affected by what is happening around us.
Benefits for carers
If you care for a disabled person, the main benefit you can claim is Carer's Allowance. However, there are several other benefits that you might be entitled to ...
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is a benefit paid to people who have physical or mental problems which mean they have difficulty working.
Thinking about a career in social work with children and families
Whether you are just leaving school or are looking for a career change, social work is a great career if you really want to make a difference.