Lanchester Conservation Area
...Conservation Area was designated in 1972 and amended in 1994 and 2016. An Article 4(2) Direction was placed upon the residential...
Development Plan evidence base
...relating to the County Durham Plan. Core documents Reference Document title Date C2 * 2020 (amended 2024) C2 2020 C13 * 2019 C13...
Parish Council election results - 6 May 2021
The Parish Council election count was held on Sunday 9 May 2021 at Louisa Centre, Stanley and Spennymoor Leisure Centre. Results are now available.
Ebchester Conservation Area
...west-south-west of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 14 miles north-west of the City of Durham and 2½ miles north of Consett in County Durham,...
Sedgefield Conservation Area
...designated in May 1971, and reviewed and amended in 1993 and 2016. An Article 4(2) direction was placed upon the residential properties...
Durham City Park and Ride
...key routes into Durham city - Belmont (PR1), Sniperley (PR1) and Howlands Farm (PR2). Howland Farm's Park and Ride bus service is...
Behaviour that challenges course provided will also evidence criteria for Standard 3 & 5 of the Care Certificate and level 2-3 health and social care diplomas.
Beamish Museum Due to social distancing requirements earlier in 2021 we decided to have 2 smaller men's groups each week. L is currently...
School meals
Our schools provide a cafeteria-style service offering a full range of freshly prepared dishes - including healthy snacks, traditional meals, deli and salad bar...
Let's Talk at Home course
Let's Talk at Home is a course for parents and carers of children aged three to four years.