Brandon Family Hub
Find out what's on at Brandon Family Hub.
Restorative approaches
Working restoratively means valuing relationships and working with others in ways that promote respect, trust and belonging.
European Union information
Europe Direct North East is a European information centre for anyone living, working or studying in North East England. We seek to raise awareness and understan...
Jumping into cold water can kill you
If the weather's hot and you're thinking about swimming in the river, or any other water, please make sure you know what the dangers are.
Accommodation for Ex-Offenders (AFEO) scheme for private landlords
We offer incentives to private landlords for letting their properties through our Accommodation for Ex-Offenders (AFEO) scheme.
Renewing your vows
A renewal of vows is an opportunity for you to renew your marriage or civil partnership vows in a unique and personal ceremony.
Getting your child ready for school by supporting their speech and language
As a parent, you know your child best and spend the most time with them. You are key in supporting their speech, language and communication.
Full Circle - support for children placed in Durham by other councils
We are able to provide a costed therapeutic service provision for those children placed in County Durham by other councils.
Coast and countryside walks
Information about walks across our coast and countryside.
News-Little litter picker given special honour
Christmas has come early for a three-year-old boy with a passion for picking up litter.