Newton Aycliffe Family Hub
Find out what's on at Newton Aycliffe Family Hub.
Neighbourhood planning - what's happening?
See if a neighbourhood planning group in the area you live or work in is producing a neighbourhood plan, and what stage they are at.
Which roads and pavements we look after
Adopted highways are the roads and pavements that we are officially responsible for maintaining.
Brandon Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Brandon library.
Ropery Lane Cemetery
This page has information about Ropery Lane Cemetery in Chester-le-Street.
School meals
Our schools provide a cafeteria-style service offering a full range of freshly prepared dishes - including healthy snacks, traditional meals, deli and salad bar...
Kerb surrounds in cemeteries
Kerb surrounds are only permitted in cemeteries (or parts of cemeteries) where there has been a tradition of their use. They must also be installed by a suitabl...
Courses, workshops and vocational qualifications
Find out about our bespoke training and assessment packages for local employers, the self-employed and their workforces.
Free training to start a career in Children's Social Care
The Care Academy offers free and flexible training to give you all the skills you need to start a career in children's social care - including personalised supp...
Durham Autism Hubs - workshops by North East Autism Society
North East Autism Society are running workshops in two of our Family Hubs. These are for mams, dads and carers of children or young people who are pre or post d...