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    Searching on þ˸ۿ ? عٶⱸŹ þ˸Ǹó Ʈ ¶ Ǹ ̵巹ȿ ¶ ɰǸ нԹ óƮ found 1495 results
    Page 80 of 150
    • Sport and leisure centres

      Our sport and leisure services team, Durham County Leisure, provides a wide range of sport and recreation facilities across the county.

    • Libraries

      Find out what you can do in our libraries, including how to join, how to reserve an item and renew a loan.

    • Leisure centres

      We offer a range of facilities at leisure centres across the county.

    • Pedal safe - lock it or lose it

      This page provides crime prevention advice to keep you and your bicycle safe.

    • Sport and leisure development team

      We know how much you value taking part in sport and physical activity, and that's why we work tirelessly to provide you with a wide range of facilities, activit...

    • Get into group walking

      If you want to take your first steps in improving your health and fitness, or if you just want to stay healthy, come along and try our free, short wellbeing wal...

    • Get into walking

      Walking is a great way to get your daily exercise on your own or with members of your household. It is also a fun way of getting to the shops for essential supp...

    • Coast and countryside walks

      Information about walks across our coast and countryside.

    • Hire a room at a leisure centre

      This page includes information about hiring leisure centre facilities for functions and conferences.

    • Payments to suppliers over £500 2021/22

      The reports on this page list payments with a value of £500 or over (exclusive of VAT) made to suppliers. The reports are prepared and published 30 days after t...


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