Coach parking in Durham City
Coach parking information in Durham City.
Coach drop-offs and pick-ups
Coach drop-off and pick-ups are at Framwelgate Waterside (postcode DH1 5TA). From Framwelgate Waterside you can walk up to the city centre, or catch the Durham Cathedral Bus, which operates from the bus stop next to the coach drop-off point.
Durham City coach drop-off point map (inside Durham City) (PDF, 1 MB)
Information for coach drivers
Once you have dropped your passengers off at Framwelgate Waterside, coach parking is at our Belmont Park and Ride (PR1) site (postcode DH1 1SR). This coach park is on the A690, approximately 300m east of Junction 62 of the A1 (10 minutes from Durham City centre). Parking is free and coach drivers have access to toilets and facilities for cleaning coaches. There are spaces for 30 coaches.
There is a petrol station, which has a 'Costa' facility, approximately 100m east of the coach park (on the A690).
Coach drivers have free travel in and out of Durham City centre from this coach park on our Durham City Park and Ride service. This free travel is available from 7.00am until 7.00pm daily.
At the end of your visit, return to the city centre to pick up your passengers.