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Lanchester Conservation Area

The Lanchester Conservation Area was designated in 1972 and amended in 1994 and 2016. An Article 4(2) Direction was placed upon the residential properties in 1976 removing permitted development rights for extensions, porches and alterations to the frontages of properties. The conservation area was reviewed and amended again in 2016 including a new Article 4(2) Direction clarifying the previous order.

Lanchester lies approximately 5 miles south west of Consett and 9 miles to the north east of Durham. 

The conservation area is centred upon the Grade I listed All Saints Church, the village green and the historic streets leading from it. The special character of Lanchester is based around the 12th century All Saints Church, the medieval village green, the rolling hillside of Paste Egg Hill and adjacent fields and Front Street.   

To ensure County Durham's conservation areas are properly managed, we produce Conservation Area Character Appraisal documents that will help raise awareness of their special character and interest. The Lanchester Conservation Area Character Appraisal was formally approved by the Head of Planning and Assets on 3rd May 2016 and recommends ways to improve and to manage change as well as providing an interesting history and snapshot of the area.


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