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The following systems will be unavailable from 4.55pm on Wednesday 19 February until 7.30am on Thursday 20 February: our online Council Tax, business rates and housing benefit system, and our welfare assistance form. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Help and support with your energy supply

If you sign up to your energy company's Priority Services Register (PSR), you can get extra help and support with your energy supply.

Ofgem offer information ofgem: Join your supplier’s Priority Services Register about the free support service eligibility and how you can contact your supplier.  

If you need help with your energy bills please visit Stay warm, well and safe this winter.

You can sign up if you're:

  • a pensioner
  • disabled or chronically sick
  • have a hearing or visual impairment

What help can you receive?

If you're on the PSR, you could get:

  • free advice on being more energy-efficient
  • protection from cold callers with a password protection scheme to keep you safe
  • your meter moved free of charge if it's hard for you to use or read the meter
  • a free quarterly meter reading if you can't read your meter
  • bills sent to a relative, carer or friend to help you check them
  • your bills and meter readings in a braille, large print, audio tape, textphone or typetalk if you're visually impaired
  • advance notice if your energy supply is going to be interrupted
  • priority reconnection if your supply is interrupted
  • alternative facilities for cooking and heating if your supply is interrupted
  • extra help to use your meter or appliances
  • annual gas safety checks

How to sign up

Free gas safety checks

To be eligible for a free annual gas safety check, you must own your home and get a means tested benefit such as Pension Credit or Universal Support.  Also, one of the following must apply:

  • you live alone
  • you live with other adults who are pensionable age, disabled and or chronically sick or under 18
  • you live with at least one other child under five

Further help

Further information can be found at:

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