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Smoking in pregnancy

Smoking in pregnancy poses a significant health risk to both mother and unborn child.

Smoking and your unborn baby

Carbon monoxide (a poison in tobacco smoke) passes through the placenta and along the cord to the baby, this restricts oxygen getting to the baby.

It can cause a range of serious health problems for both you and your baby, including:

  • low birth weight
  • premature birth
  • complications during labour
  • cot death

Stopping smoking in pregnancy

Stopping smoking early in pregnancy can prevent damage to your baby. It can be difficult to stop but it is never too late to quit. Lots of support is available if you are pregnant and want help to stop smoking.

Watch a short video that explains the Support to stop smoking while you are pregnant

Speak to your midwife, contact Stop Smoking County Durham or download the Smoke Free App here: Get me smoke free mobile app.

Secondhand smoke can also harm your unborn baby

If your partner or anyone else who lives with you smokes, their smoke can affect you and the baby both before and after birth. You may also find it more difficult to stop if someone around you smokes. Stop smoking together, you'll find it easier and you will all benefit.

See Start4Life - smoking in pregnancy for more information.

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