Waste from charities
If you are a registered charity you can dispose of your unwanted donated items at one of our three waste transfer stations.
What is accepted
We will only accept items which are donated and are household items originating from domestic properties.
Fridges, TVs and computer monitors will be accepted, but they are classed as hazardous waste and need a hazardous waste consignment note as well as a charity waste form. These are available from Gov.uk: hazardous waste consignment note.
We do not accept:
- waste from house clearances
- waste from construction sites
- fixtures and fittings, or any other waste from the fabric of the building
- refuse waste from charities
Only waste from County Durham is accepted.
The amount of waste you deposit is monitored on a monthly basis. If we feel this is excessive, you may be questioned and stopped. We reserve the right to remove you from the approved list at any time.
Applying to use our waste transfer stations
You must complete our form and Contact Charity waste to return it in advance, to ensure that we know about your charity. You need to include the charity's name, registered charity number, address and the vehicle details.
We will use Gov.uk: search the charity register to check your details.
- Charity waste form (PDF, 58 KB)
- Charity waste form (Word doc, 298 KB)
- Privacy notice - waste disposal and recycling (PDF, 168 KB)
We will then contact you to confirm that it is ok for your charity to dispose of waste. If you meet our criteria you will be added to our approved charity list. Once on the list you can deposit waste free of charge at one of our waste transfer stations.
If your vehicle details change you must notify us so that we can record it.
Where you can take charity waste
Charity waste cannot be disposed of at Household Waste Recycling Centres (tips) - only at waste transfer stations.
Annfield Plain Waste Transfer Station
Morrison Busty Industrial Estate
Annfield Plain
County Durham
Heighington Lane Waste Transfer Station
Heighington Lane
Newton Aycliffe
County Durham
DL15 6QG
Thornley Waste Transfer Station
Thornley Crossings Industrial Estate
Salters Lane
Shotton Colliery
County Durham
The opening times are 8.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
This service is free of charge.
Visiting a site
New drivers will be required to undergo a site rules induction, lasting approximately 20 minutes.
The transfer stations can be very busy with large plant and vehicles, so drivers must comply with any health and safety instructions given while on site. Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) must be worn at the site (safety boots, safety hat, hi-viz and gloves). No shorts are allowed.
If the site rules are breached you may be asked to leave the site.