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Stop junk mail

Find out how to stop junk mail and minimise the waste coming through your front door. All the options outlined are free to set up.

Register with the Mail Preference Service

Registering with the Mail Preference Service can help to reduce the amount of personally addressed direct mailings that you receive.

It will not stop mail that has been sent from overseas, mail addressed to "The Occupier", unaddressed mail or mail from companies with whom you have done business in the past.

Register with Royal Mail's door-to-door opt out

Door-to-door is the Royal Mail's direct marketing service that delivers unaddressed mail. You can register to opt out of receiving junk mail from Royal Mail.

It will not stop mail that is addressed to "The Occupier" or information from central and local government and other public bodies.

Remove your address from the edited electoral register

The edited Electoral Register is available for junk mailers, but you can choose not to be on it.

If you do not want your details to appear on the edited register, you must tick the box on the voter registration form to be excluded.

Avoid mailing list options when filling in forms

To avoid generating unwanted mail, check wording carefully and make sure that you do not opt to add your name to any mailing lists. The option is often at the bottom in the small print.


Remember to recycle any junk mail that does come through your door.

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