Children in Care Council
Children in Care Council meet every month to talk about what it's like being in care and how things could be better.
If you are a young person that is looked after or has been looked after, you are automatically a member of the CICC (Children in Care Council) and you can take part in discussions and issues raised.
We bring our ideas and suggestions to our meetings and work with the adults within the council to improve things and feedback.
Our meetings are supported by an Investing In Children Project Worker but are run by young people for children and young people - creating a safe space for voices to be heard.
We will pay you a fee of £7.50 for taking part in the meeting plus up to £3.00 if you have to use public transport to attend.
How to contact the Children in Care Council
See Children in Care Council - our meetings for more information or speak to your social worker or your YPA and ask them to contact us.