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Our online forms will be unavailable from midnight on Thursday 20 March until approximately 8.00am on Friday 21 March so that we can carry out essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

From Tuesday 30 November 2021 you must wear a face covering on all public transport, including taxis and in shops - unless exempt

Taxi fares and tariffs

Information on how much fares should be.

Taxi fares and tariffs

We are responsible for setting maximum fares in taxis. Taxi companies or drivers can set lower fares and offer special discounts if they choose but are unable to charge more than the current maximum.

Each taxi should have their tariff (fare) sheet clearly displayed within the vehicle. It can usually be found on the passenger side dashboard or windscreen.

How and when are fares increased?

If the taxi trade want to increase fares above the current maximum amount they must submit a proposal for a change to the table of fares to us.

Details of any proposed fare changes, and the date they will be introduced, will be advertised in local newspapers and on this website. Anyone who objects, or has any comments on the change, should write to us. Comments received will be considered before a final decision is reached. If no objections to the proposal are received, the new table of fares automatically comes into force on the date stated.

How often can fares be increased?

Increases will be at least 12 months apart.

For more information about taxi fares, contact our Licensing section.

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