Barnard Castle Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Barnard Castle library.
Opening hours
- Monday - 10.00am to 7.00pm
- Tuesday - 10.00am to 7.00pm
- Wednesday - 10.00am to 6.00pm
- Thursday - closed
- Friday - 10.00am to 5.00pm (closed from 12.45pm on Friday 23 December)
- Saturday - 9.30am to 12.30pm
- Sunday - closed
What's available?
- browsing
- computer access
- self-service photocopying and printing
- book request service
- inter library loans
- study tables
Events and Activities
Toddler Story Time
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10.00am -10.30am
Frequency: Term Time only
Toddler Story Time
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10.00am - 10.30am
Frequency: Term Time only
Story Share
Day: Monday
Time: 3.45pm - 4.30pm
Frequency: Term Time only
Adult Reading Group
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10.00am - 11.00am
Frequency: First Tuesday each month
Craft Group
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Frequency: Weekly
Friday Reading Group (Adults)
Day: Friday
Time: 10.00am - 11.00am
Frequency: Last Friday each month
Coffee Afternoon
Day: Friday
Time: 2.00pm - 3.00pm
How to get there
Barnard Castle Library is located at the back of The Witham building and to the left via Hall Street.
The main bus stops are in Galgate and the Market Place. There is a large pay and display car park at Morrisons supermarket and additional on-street parking in the Market Place and surrounding streets.
Cycle parking facilities - four cycle parking facilities are available.
The main access to the Library is through the gates at the bottom of the Durham County Council car park, adjacent to Morrison's supermarket. The gates are at the bottom of the car park and to the left of the entrance way to Star Yard. The main entrance to the library is at the end of the short path and to the left of the Witham buildings, on Hall Street.
A second entrance can be found on George Street to the rear of the library building. This entrance has four steps and is not fully accessible. From the main Witham entrance on Horsemarket go through Star Yard and turn right into the gates.
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