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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Sponsorship opportunities

We offer highly effective and competitively priced opportunities to help your business reach thousands of people across the county.

Sponsorship and advertising is available for the following:

  1. event and campaign sponsorship  - an excellent opportunity for your businesses to be seen as a supporter of local people and the community
  2. publications such as Durham County News - Contact Durham County News for further information
  3. workforce initiatives (eg our staff recognition scheme, Buzz staff magazine, suggestion scheme or any other campaign relating to our workforce) - Contact Durham County News for further information
  4. Bus shelter advertising
  5. Park and Ride advertising
  6. Bus station advertising
  7. roundabout sponsorship - CPMedia manage this for us. The contract terms are between one and three years, and prices vary depending on location and traffic flow. Some of the roundabouts have up to five signs on it. You can have a different piece of artwork on each one, to promote different marketing messages. Google Maps: Sponsoring a Roundabout shows you all the roundabouts that are available to sponsor (blue and yellow dots only)

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