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Licence to sell poisons

Sellers of non-medical poisons such as caustic soda, some chemical toilet fluids and drain cleaners, must follow regulations from the Home Office.


The sale of non-medical poisons

The law on non-medical poisons changed on 1 March 2015.

Businesses that sell or supply certain chemicals that can be used in the unlawful manufacture of explosives or to cause harm no longer need to be registered with us. 

Sellers must comply with regulations under The Poisons Act 1972 and report suspicious transactions and significant losses and thefts to the Home Office.

For more information, please read the supplying explosives precursors and poisons guidance notes. 

Home users of non-medical poisons

Anyone that intends to purchase, import, possess or use certain chemicals that can be used in the unlawful manufacture of explosives or to cause harm must first apply for explosives precursors and poisons (EPP) licence with the Home Office.

Before applying please read the licensing for home users of poisons and explosive precursors guidance notes.

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