Useful guides about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from
The government provide a number of useful guides about support available for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The biggest education reforms in a generation for children and young people with special educational needs became law on Monday 1 September 2014. As part of this support system, the government released a number of useful guides which should be read alongside the SEND code of practice 0 to 25 years.
Guide for children and young people SEND support easy-read guide for children and young people covers the following areas:
- making decisions about your support
- the local offer
- education, health and care (EHC) plans
- post-16 options for support
Guide for parents and carers SEND guide for parents and carers explains how the system that supports children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities works. There is also an easy-read version of this guide for parents and carers. It covers:
- the law and statutory guidance on which the system is based
- places to go for help and further information
- details about changes to the system from 1 September 2014