Useful forms for early years providers
Early years provider funding forms.
Funding headcounts require that parents/carers of funded children must complete a declaration form for the first funded period that their child attends a registered setting.
The declaration form is available below for you to pass on to the parents/carer of all children accessing funding at your establishment for completion. This also includes the new 9 month old to two years old entitlement which begins in September 2024. Parents can apply for this through HMRC Childcare Choices from 12 May 2024.
Parents/carers must complete this form in advance of their child's first funded term at your establishment. You should then transfer the detail given onto the child's actual record on the Early years and childcare providers portal and submit this detail to our Early Years Funding Team.
Parent/carer declaration form (PDF, 195 KB)
Step-by-step guide on what needs completing for each section of the form
Section 1
Parents/carers should complete this with the funded child's details. Proof of ID confirming the date of birth of the child (eg, birth certificate or passport) should be given to the Early Years setting to be verified. Gender and Date of birth are mandatory sections which need to be completed. The child's full address and postcode should also be given as mandatory detail.
For an ethnicity code please see Ethnicity codes (PDF, 132 KB).
Any additional information regarding the child can also be declared at this point such as Special Guardianship Order, Child Looked After or Adopted Child.
Section 2
The parent/carer of the funded child should complete this section including their date of birth and national insurance number (or National Asylum Support Service number). This detail is mandatory for the parent/carer of all funded children.
Section 3
Please confirm the age-group you are claiming funding for the child and the number of funded hours per week you wish to claim for. The qualifying criteria per age group and type of funding are also available to view here. The parent or carer of the funded child should also provide their eligibility code for the age group to be funded.
Section 4
You can also use this section to apply for any additional funding claims for Disability Access Fund (DAF) by ticking the relevant box. The parent is giving the council approval to do an eligibility check on the details provided on this form. Qualification is not universal and is subject to eligibility checks. Evidence also needs to be given to the setting to prove a Disability Living Allowance payment for the child.
Section 5
You can also use this section to apply for any additional funding claims for Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). By ticking the relevant box, the parent is giving the council approval to do an eligibility check on the details provided on this form. Qualification is not universal and is subject to eligibility checks. The qualifying criteria are also available to view here.
Section 6
Parents need to declare all the settings their child is attending (a maximum of three, in any one funded period) and the days of the week attending each setting along with the hours per week at each setting and indicate any stretched funding allocation if applicable.
Registered Early Years Settings must retain this document for potential audit checks for a period of three years.
If a child qualifies for Disability Access Fund (DAF), and that child is accessing more than one setting, then the parent/carer needs to nominate the setting to receive the funding as it cannot be split across more than one provider.
If there are any potential funding disputes between providers over the hours/weeks of attendance of a funded child, then these will be determined by the council and evidence to validate a child's attendance may be requested.
Section 7
This should be completed and signed by the parent/carer of the funded child, and a representative of the Registered Early Years setting that the funded child is attending. Both parties are declaring that the detail completed is correct.
Document check section
This should be completed by a representative of the Registered Early Years setting to verify the child's date of birth and any eligibility codes given by the parent to the setting should be indicated here. The representative should sign and date the form.
Use this form to tell us of your nominated bank or building society account in which you would like to receive your early years payments.
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | Provider Name | Name of Early Years setting |
B | Base Rate £ for 3-4 Year olds | The 3&4 Year old base rate for 2025-26 financial year |
C | Deprivation Supplement £ for 3-4 Year olds | The Deprivation Supplement for 3&4 Year olds applied to each Early Years Setting from 1 April 2025 |
D | Overall Funding Rate for 3&4 Year olds for 2025-26 Financial Year | Overall Funding Rate for 3&4 Year olds from 1 April 2025 |
E | Families with Additional Needs 2 Year olds Rate for 2025-26 Financial Year | Families with Additional Needs 2 Year olds Rate from 1 April 2025 |
F | Working Families 2 Year olds Rate for 2025-26 Financial Year | Working Families 2 Year olds Rate from 1 April 2025 |
G | Working Families 9mths-2yrs Rate from 1 April 2025 | Working Families 9mths-2yrs Rate from 1 April 2025 |
H | Deprivation Band Score for 3&4 Year olds | The Deprivation score applied for 3&4 Year olds |
I | Deprivation Band Level for 3&4 Year olds | The Deprivation band level based on Deprivation Score for 3&4 Year olds |
J | Description of Deprivation Scores 3&4 Year olds | The Deprivation scores used to calculate the bands for 3&4 Year olds |
K | Description of Deprivation Band 3&4 Year olds | The Deprivation bands used to calculate the hourly rates for 3&4 Year olds |
L | Deprivation Band Hourly Increment applied to Rates 3&4 Year olds | The Deprivation increment applied to the hourly rates for 3&4 Year olds |