Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board
The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board provides strategic direction for the work of all the overview and scrutiny committees.
Chair's welcome
The role of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (COSMB) is to oversee and coordinate the work of overview and scrutiny and the five thematic committees.
COSMB's main focus each year is scrutiny of the council's Medium Term Financial Plan process and revenue and capital budget proposals. Their work contributes to ensuring the council's resources are used effectively and efficiently. The Board has reviewed MTFP 14 reports to Cabinet in September and December 2023 and January and February 2024.
Another key role for the Board is corporate performance which includes customer feedback: Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions and budgetary monitoring which is undertaken on a quarterly basis. The Board has agreed a new Corporate Reporting format which includes enhanced data dashboards and performance indicators.
The Board also has responsibilities:
- to ensure effective liaison across the work of the committees on cross cutting issues
- to be the strategic driver of the overview and scrutiny function
- the establishment of appropriate liaison with the cabinet in the interests of achieving common aims and continuous improvement for the council
- to encourage appropriate community involvement in the overview and scrutiny role
- an appellate role in the petitions process
You can see further information, minutes and agendas on the Corporate Issues Overview and Scrutiny Committee page.
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board activity
Contact Overview and Scrutiny for a copy of the COSMB work programme.
The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board has:
- Monitored the council's applications for surveillance under the Regulation of Investigative Powers Act 2000 and reviewed the RIPA scheme to ensure it is fit for purpose (June, September and October 2023 and February 2024).
- Examined and commented on the council's updated Digital Strategy (June 2023).
- Considered and approved the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2022/23 and agreed its submission to Council (June 2023).
- Consideration of the Forward Plan.
- Called-in the Cabinet decision of 14 June 2023 in respect of the Home To School Transport Services consultation outcomes (June 2023).
- Scrutinised the outcome of the council's Community Engagement Review and commented on the results of the consultation exercise and development of Local Networks (September 2023).
- Supported the council's work in developing new ways of working via digital solutions (September 2023).
- Reviewed the council's Statutory Representations report for 2022/23 and agreed its publication on the website (October 2023).
- Received updates in respect of the County Durham Pound Project and its role in promoting social value and wealth building (October 2023).
- Agreed key priority actions and workplace initiatives following scrutiny of the results of the 2022 workplace survey (October 2023).
- Examined the Poverty Action Steering Group Annual report 2022/23 (January 2024).
- Reviewed the refresh of the Council Plan 2024/2028 (February 2024).
- Email
- Telephone 03000 265 978