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Projects supported by the Spennymoor Area Action Partnership

Find out about the range of activities and events that we support in our community.

We are updating Spennymoor Area Action Partnership on Facebook with any local information regarding the coronavirus. This includes changes to services or support in your area.

All the projects supported by the AAP and the local councillors over the last year are listed in Spennymoor AAP Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF, 941 KB).  Some examples of projects are detailed below.

Projects supported by your local county councillors

Trinity Methodist Church Trinity Food Store - The project has provided funding for equipment for new storage areas and this has enabled the Foodbank to operate more efficiently. 

Daisy Arts Creative Activity Packs - Daisy Arts project have provided creative activity packs for young & older members of our help support mental health well being

Durham County Council Oxford Road Environmental Improvements - The aim of this project is to improve the appearance and aesthetics of the Oxford Road areas of Spennymoor Town Centre

County Durham Federation of Women's Institutes alleviating loneliness and promoting wellbeing - The aim of the project is to provide equipment to facilitate adult training classes as well as having equipment that can be used for events to support local Women's Institutes.  Priority will be given to any events happening in the Spennymoor area such as Spennymoor Gala or the Horticultural show

Spennymoor Town Band -Supporting Spennymoor Town Band - The project will support Spennymoor Town Band to finance the purchase of both Timpani drums and Baritone horns, as well as providing running costs, and allowing Spennymoor Town Band to attend the National Mineworkers Championships.

St Paul's - Café Connect Project - The project will support the St Pauls Centre as it adjusts after the Covid-19 pandemic. The Café Connect initiative will connect people who are lonely including individuals who face social isolation as well as supporting people affected by dementia along with their carers.

Spennymoor Youth and Community Association Learning Together project - This project will support catch up learning and training for children and adults living in Spennymoor Area Action Partnership communities.  The project will use Spennymoor Youth and Community Centre and Tudhoe Community Centre to support catch up learning over 12 months

Byers Green Village Hall Projector and I.T. Project - The aim of the project is to enable the supply and installation of 86" promethean panels on Loxit mobile/Wi-Fi to Byers Green Village Hall, along with a sound bar and laptop to help utilise the system. The system will be installed by DCC with agreement from Spennymoor Town Council, and will allow greater use of the Hall for a range of activities and events

Spennymoor Town Council CCTV Project - The purpose of this project is to install 4 new additional cameras in the Town Centre and upgrade 5 existing cameras. The cameras will cover the public realm, including the Leisure Centre, the soon to be redeveloped marketplace and Festival Walk shopping area, and the main high street where the bus shelters have been repeatedly damaged.

You can find out more about the local projects supported by your local county councillors through their Neighbourhood Budget on the Your councillors page.


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