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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

Apply as a landowner to acknowledge a right of way

Landowners can acknowledge the existence of certain public rights of way across their land to prevent new ones being created.

This is under Section 31 (6) of the Highway Act 1980 - Deposit of Statement, Maps and Declaration.

'Presumed dedication' is when new public rights of way are created following use of the route by members of the public, usually for a period of twenty years or more. A deposit/declaration will not prevent the creation of rights of way that may already exist through an earlier twenty years of use or documentary evidence.


Please see the landowner statements, highways statements and declarations form on making an application. The application form should be returned by post (a signed paper copy is required). This can also be submitted jointly as a landowner village green statement.


    Deposit typeCost
    Highways deposit of less than 200 hectares£190
    Highways deposit of more than 200 hectares£190 + £38 an hour
    Joint Highways and Village Green deposit£255



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