Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care
The objective of the qualification is to equip learners with the underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills required for a career in the health and social care sector at a managerial level. The programme enables learners to demonstrate their skills by producing evidence from their work activities, to meet national occupational standards.
Who is suitable?
The Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care delivered by New College Durham is specifically designed for Senior Carers and Carers in a supervisory position who work in health and social care in adult settings.
Learning method
The course is typically delivered over 12 months in a blended learning approach. The theory elements are studied in the first 6 months via monthly workshops (online of face to face) followed by one to ones, discussions, observations and assessments.
How can you fund this course?
Funding is available to adult social care employers through the Skills for Care Skills for Care. Learners can apply for funding independently with a Gov.uk: Advanced Learner Loan to help with the costs of training.
- Gain a nationally recognised qualification.
- Improve your skills to help create a long-standing career pathway.
- Will demonstrate understanding, effective practice and leadership in adult care.
What you will learn
This qualification gives you the opportunity to develop fundamental and specialist knowledge and understanding to underpin competence in your intended specialism and job role. You will cover the following:
- safeguarding, protection and health and safety vulnerable adults. within health care settings
- inclusive practice and equality and diversity
- dementia care
- stroke care management and public funding models in adult social care
- developing and maintaining accurate records
- facilitating support planning and person centred assessment
- partnership working
- mentoring
- advanced communication skills.
- successful performance behaviours and attitudes
- promoting and supporting equality and diversity
- appreciation and adherence to values
- principles and statutory frameworks that underpin professional practice.
How to book
To book this course, please Contact County Durham Care Academy.
- Email careacademy@durham.gov.uk
- Telephone 03000 260 222