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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Our online payment services and 24 hour telephone payment line will be unavailable on Tuesday 14 January 2025 due to essential system maintenance. You will not be able to make a payment during this time.

Health and safety

Health and safety information for outdoor learning at Hardwick Park and Wharton Park.

Risk assessments

Supporting information to help you write your visit risk assessment will be sent to you with your booking confirmation.


We recommend ratios of 1:4 for EYFS children, 1:6 for Key Stage One children, 1:8 for Key Stage Two children. Ratios are at your discretion, however with some Key Stage Two activities you may wish to consider higher ratios to help facilitate a greater experience for the children.


Accompanying leaders are responsible for providing adequate supervision for their group and making sure the group's conduct reflects the visitor code. Members of the education team reserve the right to stop and activity if they feel that there is not enough supervision in place. The supporting adults attending can make a big difference. If you know some who are happy to be around mud and mini-beasts and get stuck into the activities, they would be a great asset.

First aid

There is first aid available in the parks in case of an emergency. Staff will carry out first aid under the direction and authority of the accompanying school/ group leader.


Please inform the parks and countryside education officer about any allergies (children and accompanying adults) before you make your visit.

Water safety

Steep slopes are present around water edges so please take care when using wheeled equipment (e.g. pushchairs, wheelchairs, bicycles). Children should always be supervised and due to areas of deep water we do ask that member of the public do not enter the lakes and ponds.


The education team will continue to deliver activities in almost all-weather conditions. In the event of poor weather, we are happy to alter our timetable to ensure that you get the most out of the day. In cases of extreme weather, a joint decision between the lead teacher and the parks and countryside education officer will take place. During hot weather we can provide drinking water at all parks and can refill bottles.


Dressing appropriately can have a big impact on participants' enjoyment and well-being. Please ensure pupils and accompanying adults are dressed appropriately for a park visit. Clothes suitable for outdoor conditions and comfortable footwear (please avoid wearing open toe shoes) are recommended. During the winter months hats and gloves are beneficial as well as sun hats and cream during the summer months. You may wish to involve children in discussing this aspect of preparation as an important life skill.

Spare clothes

Some schools bring a few items of spare waterproofs, for those children who have forgotten. This can be very useful.

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