SEND and Inclusion course directory - Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) courses
Find out about our Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) courses.
You can book a place for any of the courses on this page online using your Synergy account.
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See individual courses for relevant contact details.
List of courses
Use the links below to view full details of each course:
- An Introduction to Emotional Regulation and Zones of Regulation
- Supervision in Schools
- Trauma-Informed Practice in the Classroom
- Supporting students who Self-Harm
- Identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people with Attentional Difficulties/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Loss and Bereavement Awareness
- Identifying and responding to the needs of children and young people who are anxious
- Lunchtime staff training in using Restorative Approaches
- Nurture groups training
- Anxious about School - Understanding needs and practical approaches
- Self-Esteem - Whole Class Programme
- Loss and Bereavement Support and Intervention
- Nurturing staff wellbeing and emotional resilience
- Nurturing Our Wellbeing (NOW) Programme - Staff information Session
- Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) Training
Course details
An Introduction to Emotional Regulation and Zones of Regulation
Description: To support staff to increase their understanding of emotional regulation, including why it's important and how to support self-regulation. To introduce the framework 'Zones of Regulation' to support regulation with pupils within their own setting. This course is for staff to develop their understanding of emotional regulation and to develop strategies to promote self-regulation with their pupils. They will develop an understanding of the 'Zones of Regulation' and have examples and strategies of how to implement the techniques to support self-regulation.
- To have an understanding of emotional regulation and why it is important for young people.
- To be able to use the 'Zones of Regulation' framework to support self-regulation.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENDCO's, teachers and support staff.
Course date and time: 12 December 2024, 14 March 2025, 22 May 2025 - 9.30am - 11.30am
Where: Education Development Centre, Spennymoor
Cost: Half a credit per person
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Supervision in Schools
Description: Professional supervision can support the professional development and emotional wellbeing of staff. This training course is for anyone who is looking to develop an improved grasp of supervision and the associated skills, with a view to introducing it into their setting. It takes place over three twilights, with additional support to enhance and embedded learning both in-between sessions and beyond the course's conclusion.
- Session 1: To develop a greater understanding of what professional supervision is (and isn't), to explore of the role of the supervisor and the supervisory relationship, as well as the benefits, barriers, and facilitators to good quality supervision.
- Session 2: To develop a greater understanding of some core and adaptive skills for supervision, to give consideration to the additional skills required for group supervision, and to introduce an easy-to-use 'model' of supervision.
- Session 3: To provide opportunities to put previous learning into practice through small group exercises, and to begin to explore ethical considerations in supervision.
Who the course is for: This training course is for anyone who is in a position to introduce professional supervision into their setting. We anticipate that this will primarily be those in positions of senior or middle leadership, such as Head Teachers, Deputy or Assistant Head Teachers, Key Stage Leads, SENCos, or Senior Mental Health Leads.
Course date and time:
- Session 1: Thursday 22 May 2025, 3.45pm - 5.30pm
- Session 2: Thursday 12 June 2025, 3.45pm - 5.30pm
- Session 3: Thursday 3 July 2025, 3.45pm - 5.30pm
Where: Education Development Centre, Spennymoor
Cost: : 1.5 credits for one person, 2.5 for two people, or 3 credits for three people.
Cancellation terms: You will be charged full course or admin fee for non-attendance if you have not cancelled your place within the one week of the start date
Contact: 03000 263 333
Trauma-Informed Practice in the Classroom
Description: This course will support all staff working in schools to gain an awareness of the impact of trauma, and to understand how this can relate to their learning, social relationships, and emotional wellbeing. The course will cover an introduction to the theory and neuroscience around trauma, and include strategies to support young people through a relational and trauma-informed approach.
Outcomes: By the end of the course, staff will have gained a better understanding of the impact of trauma and how this may affect children and young people when they are in school. The course will also cover how to promote a trauma informed approach within schools, to help children to feel safe and able to learn. Staff will also be supported to reflect on their practice, and to learn some tools that support children and young people through positive relationships.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.
Course date and time: 11 November 2024 (this date is managed by Education Durham, please Contact Education Durham to book). Additional session available on 10 February 2025 and 16 June 2025 (book via your Synergy account), all dates run from 3.45pm - 5.15pm
Where: Online
Cost: Free
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Supporting Students who Self-Harm
Description: This course support staff working in schools to increase their knowledge, confidence, and skills in responding to incidents of self-harm, and to understand the positive impact that staff can make in school. It covers the key issues relating to self-harm and explores underlying reasons for self-harm.
Outcomes: By the end of the course practitioners will have increased their understanding of self-harm and confidence in approaching this issue, including how to respond to disclosures. They will also be supported to consider how best to provide ongoing support students in the school setting, including areas such as managing risk and work effectively with other services.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff. Maximum 2 delegates per school.
Course dates and times: 30 January 2025 (primary), 10 April 2025 (secondary). These dates are managed by Education Durham, please Contact Education Durham to book.
Additional session available on 14 November 2024 (secondary), 22 May 2025 (primary) 3.45pm - 5.15pm, please book additional sessions via your Synergy account.
Where: Online
Cost: Free
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people with Attentional Difficulties/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Description: This course will support staff in schools to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence around identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people with attention difficulties / ADHD.
Outcomes: By the end of the course, staff will better understand factors which may contribute to attention difficulties, and they will be better able to identify pupil's individual needs in this area. They will also have developed knowledge around the graduated approach and needs-led support offer where attention difficulties are identified, including the neuro developmental pathway process. Finally, this course will cover a range of evidence-based strategies, approaches, and adjustments that can be implemented to support children and young people with attentional difficulties / ADHD in the classroom.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.
Course date and time: 4 March 2025 (this date is managed by Education Durham, please Contact Education Durham to book). Additional sessions are available on 19 November 2024 and 11 June 2025 (book via your Synergy Account). All sessions run from 3.45pm to 5.15pm
Where: Microsoft Teams (online)
Cost: Free
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Loss and Bereavement Awareness
Description: This course supports staff working in schools to develop their knowledge, confidence and skills in supporting children who have been bereaved or experienced loss. Staff will gain an awareness of the grief process, how this affects children and young people and how to support them in school.
Outcomes: By the end of the course, staff will better understand how loss and bereavement can impact a child or young person, as well as some of the key issues and principles in communicating about death and grief, both with individual children and with the whole school community.
Course date and time: 13 March 2025, 3.45pm - 5.15pm (this course is managed by Education Durham, please Contact Education Durham to book). Additional sessions are available on 14 November 2024 (3.45pm - 5.15pm) and 5 June 2025 (3.45pm - 5.45pm), please book additional dates via your Synergy account.
Where: Online
Cost: Free
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Identifying and responding to the needs of children and young people who are anxious
Description: This course will support staff in schools and colleges to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence around identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people who experience anxiety.
Outcomes: By the end of the course, staff will be supported to understand the factors that contribute to anxiety, identify pupil's individual needs, plan appropriate outcomes, and implement effective, evidence-based strategies. As part of your attendance on this course, you will also be introduced to a range of helpful, anxiety-based resources that can be used in schools and colleges.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.
Course date and time: 24 June 2025, 3.45pm - 5.15pm (this date is managed by Education Durham, please Contact Education Durham to book onto the course). An additional date is available on 22 October 2024, 3.45pm - 5.15pm (please book via your Synergy account).
Where: Online via Microsoft Teams
Cost: Free
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Lunchtime staff training in using Restorative Approaches
Description: Lunch time staff provide key relationships for children in schools and successful lunchtimes can support positive engagement and learning in the classroom. The lunchtime staff will have opportunities to build on their experiences and strengths, and to develop positive practices that develop key skills in children and support conflict resolution.
For lunchtime staff to:
- develop practical lunchtime strategies and systems to promote pro-social behaviour and problem-solving
- identify and develop their own strengths and skills, with respect to engaging young people in positive relationships through play
- develop the use of restorative language which will support the children to develop conflict resolution skills and repair and restore respectful relationships with peers and adults.
Outcomes: The training will utilise principles taken from Restorative Approaches and the Rights Respecting agenda. There will be opportunities for the staff to tailor make resources and set up strategies and systems that can be put into practice at lunchtime.
Who the course is for: Lunchtime supervisors and support staff
Course date and time: Contact the service to book a session.
Where: In school
Cost: £250 per session or £600 for three x 2-hour sessions in the school setting
Cancellation terms: A minimum of 1 weeks notice is required
Contact: 03000 263 333
Nurture groups training
Description: Nurture groups are a nationally recognised effective form of intervention and support for socially and emotionally vulnerable young people. They focus on meeting children and young people's social and emotional needs, in balance with their learning needs, within a small group environment. Nurture groups enable the positive engagement and achievement of young people who struggle to manage the demands of a larger class setting through a more personalised approach.
- An understanding of the theory of nurture groups and how to apply this in practice.
- The skills required to set and up and run a nurture group.
- The support needed to develop practice sustainably over time.
- An overview of the resources required to support good practice.
Outcomes: Outcome data from Durham schools provides evidence that nurture groups can improve wellbeing, behaviour, attendance and achievement for those accessing them. Nurture group networks are now established within County Durham to provide staff with ongoing support following the initial training.
Who the course is for: Teachers and support staff interested in establishing nurture group provision (please note that nurture groups should be run by two trained members of staff).
Course dates and times:
Staff Training: 9.00am - 4.00pm (lunch and refreshments included)
This session is for staff who will be running a nurture group in school. All nurture groups need two trained members of staff to run the provision. Staff need to attend all three dates to complete the course.
- Session 1: 2 June 2025
- Session 2: 13 June 2025
- Session 3: 30 June 2025
Coordinator Training: 1.00pm - 4.00pm
These sessions are for members of school management who will have oversight of the nurture provision. There should be a trained coordinator in every school hosting a nurture group to support nurture staff.
- Session 1: 9 June 2025
- Session 2: 25 June 2025
Where: Education Development Centre
Cost: 2 credits or equivalent per person (3 days).
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Anxious about School - Understanding needs and practical approaches
Description: Twilight modules for primary and secondary school staff to reflect on the factors that contribute to children and young people being anxious about school and/or experience emotionally based school avoidance. The sessions explore the needs of children and young people with anxiety alongside evidence based approaches to meet their needs within the school context. Sessions will include resources for use in schools.
Outcomes: Staff will be supported to:
- Identify the factors that contribute to anxiety.
- Identify individual needs.
- Plan for appropriate outcomes.
- Implement evidence based approaches and strategies.
- Have increased knowledge, skills and confidence in meeting the needs of children and young people who are anxious.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.
Course focus with date and time:
- Social anxiety - 8 October 2024, 10 June 2025
- Separation anxiety - 5 November 2024, 1 July 2025
- Performance anxiety - 19 November 2024, 2 April 2025
- Safety fears -16 October 2024, 19 February 2025
All courses run from 3.45pm - 5.15pm
Where: Online via Microsoft Teams
Cost: Free (for up to two staff per school)
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Self-Esteem - Whole Class Programme
Description: A twilight session that provides an opportunity to develop understanding about the factors that contribute to self-esteem and how by improving self-esteem we can increase resilience and wellbeing. The session will enable staff in schools to facilitate a whole class evidenced based programme aimed at promoting and increasing the self-esteem of children and young people.
- Reflect on the importance of positive self-esteem.
- Implement an evidence based programme aimed at building self-esteem.
- Have increased confidence in meeting the SEMH needs of children and young people.
Who the course is for: All KS2 and KS3 staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.
Course date and time: Arranged with individual schools, clusters or COL's
Where: Online or in school
Cost: 1 credit (includes all resources)
Cancellation terms: Minimum of 1 weeks notice required
Contact: 03000 263 333
Loss and Bereavement Support and Intervention
Description: This course consists of one full day at the Education Development Centre (EDC). The course helps support staff in schools to work directly with children and young people who have experienced bereavement, and to develop a comprehensive understanding of how loss and bereavement affects children and young people. It aims to give you an awareness, knowledge and understanding of loss and grief and ways of working with children and young people through theory, discussion and experiential activities. The training is designed to develop skills for you to be able to deliver early intervention when working with children and young people that have experienced loss.
- Explore loss, grief and bereavement.
- Learn about attachment theories and how they link to loss and bereavement.
- Learn about different models and theories of grief.
- Discuss children and young people's developmental understanding of grief.
- Learn about children and young people's understanding of death and how this affects them.
- Explore ways of working with children and young people including those with additional needs.
- Discuss the importance of self-care when working with children and young people who have been bereaved.
Who the course is for: Support staff who work in a pastoral role. Maximum two delegates per school.
Course date and times (EDC): 28 November 2024, 20 March 2025, 19 June 2025, 9.00am - 4.00pm
Where: EDC
Cost: Free
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 263 333
Nurturing staff wellbeing and emotional resilience
Description: Staff will have an opportunity to reflect on their own emotional resilience and how it may impact on their ability to respond to stressful or unexpected situations and crises. Together, staff will discuss and reflect on a number of scenarios that may affect their emotional wellbeing in school. They will also have the opportunity to work through a wellbeing action plan. To support staff to recognise the importance of their own emotional resilience and wellbeing in relation to working with children. The training will provide an opportunity for staff to reflect on current practices within their own setting and to explore ways to improve staff wellbeing in school.
- To recognise your own emotional resilience in relation to working with children.
- To identify times in school when you need emotional resilience.
- To explore ways to improve staff wellbeing within school.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school, including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.
Course date and time: To be requested by schools
Where: In school
Cost: COL credits or individual SLA
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 267 800
Nurturing Our Wellbeing (NOW) Programme - Staff information Session
Description: This information session is for staff to learn more about the NOW Programme and to know how it can be used in school to support the mental health and wellbeing of pupils. The programme consists of a facilitator's guide and accompanying children's booklet which will be emailed to schools following the session. This course is to enable staff to use the NOW Programme to support the mental health and wellbeing of Primary School children, specifically those in Year 5.
- To be able to use the NOW resources to deliver an eight-week programme to support the mental health and wellbeing of pupils in school.
- By the end of the eight-week programme, children will have a greater understanding of the factors affecting their own mental health and wellbeing and know how and when to access support.
Who the course is for: All staff working with children in Year 5 including teachers and support staff, as well as SENDCO's and school leaders
Course date and time: 6 November 2024, 5 March 2025 and 4 June 2025 - 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Where: Online (via Microsoft Teams)
Cost: 0.5 credits for 1 staff member, 0.75 credits for two. Free to STAR schools.
Cancellation terms: None
Contact: 03000 267 800
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) Training
Description: Teaching Assistants are trained to provide emotional literacy support programmes to children who have difficulties understanding, identifying, and managing their emotions. Through this, children are helped to develop skills that promote emotional resilience - skills that may ultimately make the difference between failure to achieve potential and a successful education. This programme has been running nationally for many years and the training has been extremely well evaluated.
Outcomes: Staff will be supported to:
- develop their understanding of the psychological theories underpinning emotional literacy.
- identify individual SEMH needs.
- develop their understanding of a range of different SEMH topics including anxiety, loss & bereavement, and developmental trauma.
- plan for appropriate outcomes.
- plan and deliver effective interventions.
- have increased confidence in meeting the needs of children and young people who experience SEMH needs.
Who the course is for: Teaching Assistants working with children and young people in schools.
Course date and times
Course 1 (9.00am - 4.00pm): 8 October 2024 (Hawthorn), 22 October 2024 (Hawthorn), 6 November 2024 (Browney), 19 November 2024 (Hawthorn), 3 December (Tees), (1.00pm - 4.00pm) 10 December (Tees)
Course 2 (9.00am - 4.00pm): 4 February 2025 (Tees), 19 February 2025 (Browney), 4 March 2025 (Tees), 18 March 2025 (Tees), 1 April 2025 (Tees), (1.00pm - 4.00pm) 8 April 2025 (Tees)
To complete the course, all participants are expected to attend ALL days in either Course 1 or Course 2.
Where: In person at the Education Development Centre, Spennymoor.
Cost: £735.00 or equivalent CoL credits (including hot lunch, handbook and 3 supervision sessions)
Cancellation terms: Full refund if place is cancelled up to two weeks prior to start date. No refund if cancelled later than this.
Contact: 03000 263 333