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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Durham was last inspected in June 2024. As part of the inspection process, inspectors received feedback and views from 1,500 children, young people, families and partners. You can read more about the feedback from the inspectors on our Strategies, plans, policies and inspections page.

SEND and Inclusion course directory - sensory and physical courses

Find out about our sensory and physical courses.

You can book a place for any of the courses on this page online using your Synergy account.

Please contact IT on 03000 261100 if you experience any difficulties with your Synergy account.

For further information on any of the courses, contact us at or by phone on 03000 263333.

List of courses

Use the links below to view full details of each course:

Course details

Identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people who present with Sensory Processing Differences

Description: This course will provide an overview of sensory needs, how they may present, and the impact they can have.  This will include some of the lesser-known senses, such as proprioception and interoception.  It will also cover the close links between sensory regulation, emotional regulation, and neurodivergence.  The course will also offer some general approaches and a range of highly practical strategies that can be used in school / college settings. 

Outcomes: By the end of this course, through improved understanding and confidence, practitioners will be better placed to support individual pupils experiencing sensory processing difficulties. 

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: 23 October 2024, 3.45pm - 5.15pm

Where: Microsoft Teams

Booking: This course is managed by Education Durham, please Contact Education Durham to book onto the course.

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Supporting children and young people's Physical Development, Safety & Toileting Needs

Description: The course combines practical and theoretical content and focuses on equipping delegates with the skills required to produce their own movement activities for children in the Early Years and KS1 and KS2.

Outcomes: Delegates will gain confidence and success with guiding staff and families through the toileting process and moving and handling for children with additional needs. There will be opportunities to learn about how to adopt innovative approaches both in school settings and at home.

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: 5 November 2024, 3.45pm - 5.15pm

Where:  Microsoft Teams

Booking: This course is managed by Education Durham, please Contact Education Durham to book onto the course.

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Supporting children and young people with Vision Impairments

Description: This face-to-face training session will support anyone working with children and young people (CYP) with vision impairment in nurseries, schools, and colleges of further education. Covering the birth to twenty-five age range, it can be tailored to the specific needs of the CYP in your setting. It will provide practitioners with an overview of the most common vision impairments and their impact on learning and development. Led by a Qualified Teacher of CYP with Vision Impairment and a Habilitation Specialist, this informative and practical event will define the elements of specialist skills development and best practice support that are essential for CYP with vision impairment, enabling them to access the curriculum and the wider world with as much independence as possible.

Outcomes: The session will support educational settings to be inclusive communities where all children and young people with vision impairment are included and flourish.

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: Bespoke sessions to be arranged

Where:  Face to Face

Booking: To arrange a bespoke session telephone 03000 263 333

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Supporting children and young people with Deafness / Hearing Loss

Description: This face-to-face training session will support anyone working with children and young people (CYP) with hearing loss in nurseries, schools, and colleges of further education. Covering the birth to twenty-five age range, it can be tailored to the specific needs of the CYP in your setting. If you work in the early years or a primary school, there is a high chance that a child in your care may have an undiagnosed hearing loss. This is usually a temporary hearing loss caused by glue ear. Did you know that eight out of ten children will experience glue ear before the age of 10?

Outcomes: This course will help you to:

  • recognise the common signs of hearing loss;
  • guide you through what you can do to help;
  • set out ways to create good listening conditions,
  • and it will fully explore strategies to use in a practical way that supports any pupil with hearing loss.

The session will support educational settings to be inclusive communities where all children and young people with hearing loss are included and flourish.

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: Bespoke sessions to be arranged

Where:  Face to Face

Booking: To arrange a bespoke session telephone 03000 263 333

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Supporting children and young people with Multi-Sensory Impairment

Description: This face-to-face training session will support anyone working with children and young people (CYP) with multi-sensory impairment in nurseries, schools, and colleges of further education. Covering the birth to twenty-five age range, it can be tailored to the specific needs of the CYP in your setting.

Outcomes: This course will provide practitioners with an overview of the most common multi-sensory impairments and their impact on learning and development. Led by a Qualified Teacher of CYP with Multi-sensory Impairment and other specialist practitioners, this informative and practical event will define the elements of specialist skills development and best practice support that are essential for CYP with multi-sensory impairment, enabling them to access the curriculum and the wider world with as much independence as possible. The session will support educational settings to be inclusive communities where all children and young people with multi-sensory impairment are included and flourish.

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: Bespoke sessions to be arranged

Where:  Face to Face

Booking: To arrange a bespoke session telephone 03000 263 333

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

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