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Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) Community Priorities 2022/23

AAPs give you a say on how our services are provided. We want you to have your say on the community priorities for your AAP area for 2022/23.


There are 14 AAPs in the county. AAPs consist of members of the public, representatives for Durham County Council, town and parish councils, police, fire, health, housing, business, university and voluntary organisations. Together they work with communities and organisation to identify local priorities and the actions required to tackle them, allocate funding to local organisations and monitor the difference that funding and support is making to communities.

In 2018 they asked people what their priorities were for their communities. Over 8,500 responses were received from across the county including the views of over 3,300 secondary school pupils. From the 10 themes, you helped to prioritise which were most important to you in your area. 

During 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, the AAPs, along with money from councillors budgets, allocated £12.4 million and helped bring into the county over £12.2 million of matched investment to deliver 2,833 local projects. In 2020/21, they worked towards the common priority of Community Recovery due to Covid-19, instead of the usual priority choices for individual AAP areas. 

What we are consulting on

We now want to see if anything has changed for you and where you live, work, go to school or even volunteer, and are asking you once again to help steer the AAPs work. We want to know which priorities your AAP should tackle and invest for 2022/23.

We also have additional funding to invest in towns and villages. Your feedback will help us understand what, if anything, will make life in your town or village better.

Have your say

If you don't know or are not sure which AAP is relevant to you, please use My Durham to find out. 

The deadline for comments was 5.00pm on Friday 11 March 2022.

What happens next

Each AAP will report the findings of the consultation to their Boards, down to  town, city or village level. This will be used to decide which priority themes their AAP will concentrate its efforts on in the forthcoming financial year (2022/2023). The results will be available from May 2022.

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