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School admission arrangements 2026/27

All schools and academies in County Durham have agreed their admission arrangements starting for the school year 2026/27 which starts from September 2026.

This includes information on how school places are offered (known as the coordinated admissions scheme), number of school places available at each school, admission policy and oversubscription criteria.

We have a statutory duty to make sure that there are sufficient school places available in County Durham for every child whose parents or carers wish them to have one. We work in partnership with schools and academies to make sure parental preference can be met as far as possible. As a result of this work we continue to be well above the national average for both primary and secondary school preferences.

Admission arrangements are consulted on with Governing Bodies and all schools and academies.

The school admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools and those academies that have the same admission arrangements as those schools 2026/27 including the number of school places available at each primary and secondary school and the oversubscription criteria for schools are included in the Cabinet agenda and minutes 12 February 2025

Admission policy and criteria for Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided, Church of England Aided schools and those academies with different admission policies to those of the council

Please see the individual school's websites for details of their admission policy and criteria. A list of schools, which includes a link to their website, is available on our Find a school or college page.

How to make an objection

Any person or body has a right to object to admission arrangements. 

You can only object if a school's number of places available has been reduced. 

However, governing bodies of community or voluntary controlled schools can also make an objection if the number of places for their school has not changed, or has increased.

Objections should be sent:

  • by post to The Office of the Schools Adjudicator, Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE
  • by email to

You must provide your name and address and submit your objection by no later than 15 May 2025 for it to be considered.

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