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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Overview and Scrutiny co-optees - non-voting scrutiny members

Find out how to become a co-optee.

What co-optees can expect

Non-voting co-optees attend scrutiny committee meetings, scrutiny review meetings, seminars and any overview and scrutiny workshops and training events.

Scrutiny committees are formal meetings held in public. Each agenda is structured to give adequate time to each item of business. The committees meet approximately six times a year for around two hours with special meetings held when necessary.

Some issues considered by the scrutiny process may cut across the remit of more than one committee and members will be invited to attend any meetings where a cross cutting issue is to be considered.

Each year, scrutiny committees decide on topics they wish to examine in detail as a scrutiny review. Non-voting co-optees will be invited to participate in any review undertaken by the committee they are on.

Scrutiny non-voting co-opted members are like any other scrutiny member - but without a vote. They should:

  • act as a non-political voice for those who live or work in County Durham
  • bring specialist knowledge and/or skills and an element of external challenge to the overview and scrutiny process
  • take an interest in, attend and contribute to the work of the committees or review groups to which appointed
  • establish good relations with councillors, council staff and other co-optees
  • feedback any appropriate discussions or decisions of the relevant committee or working group to any respective organisation or body they are on

What co-optees get in return

  • An opportunity to learn about how we work, and to be involved in the decision-making process.
  • An introduction to scrutiny with support from councillors and council staff.
  • Personal satisfaction from performing an important public service.
  • An opportunity to build effective and valuable working relationships with council staff, elected councillors, faith and parent governor representatives.

There is no payment for being a non-voting co-opted member, but we will pay reasonable expenses to cover costs incurred for scrutiny business, including travel, and subsistence while you attend a meeting.

Our co-optees are appointed for two years and this can be extended for a further period. If you would like to know more and are interested in applying for a position please Contact Overview and Scrutiny for more information and an application form.

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