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Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultation

We wanted your views on the draft document which sets out our approach to securing developer contributions from new developments.

What's the latest?

Responses are being considered and will form part of the next draft of the document, which will be subject to a further full public consultation towards the end of 2022.

Following that consultation, any final amendments will be considered and justified before the document is completed and approved. Once approved, the SPD will be adopted and will assist in the planning process.


The County Durham Plan was adopted in October 2020. It provides a framework for new housing developments and helps to assess planning applications up to 2035. 

New development can put a strain on existing things like local schools, health services, open spaces and affordable housing. The Plan requires that developers provide additional or improved services when the development is likely to affect communities. Therefore, they have the potential to create or improve existing infrastructure and services through 'developer contributions'.

What the document covers

Currently, regulations relating to developer contributions are held within a range of different policy documents such as housing, education and health. This Supplementary Planning Document will support the County Durham Plan and other related policies, by bringing together all the regulations for developer contributions into one document.

It will help to ensure that the planning process is fair, transparent and is applied consistently and will help everyone, including people submitting development plans, our staff and councillors, to clearly understand the process.

The document covers contributions towards:

  • housing needs (affordable housing, older person's housing, some rural areas and specialist housing)
  • green infrastructure (including open spaces and sport and recreation)
  • education (primary and secondary)
  • health
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment
  • Biodiversity Net Gains (leaving biodiversity in a better state that before the development)

Have your say

The closing date for comments was Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 5.00pm.

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