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Housing and environmental issues - consultation on working together to improve Wheatley Hill

We want to hear from residents living in areas where we aim to target services to improve housing and the environment.

Thank you to you everyone who responded to our survey.  We received 55 responses to our questionnaire.  One of the main concerns you raised was around dog fouling and litter in the area.  As a result, we are working to get more waste and dog bins placed around the Wheatley Hill area.


We are working with partners in areas which have been found to be most in need, to make a real difference and bring about improvements to housing and the local environment.

What we are consulting on

We have identified Wheatley Hill as a Targeted Delivery Plan (TDP) area.

We want to identify priorities for the TDP area which will help to improve the quality of existing housing and support and maintain mixed and balanced communities in the wider community.

Have your say

We want to hear from you if you live or work in the village so you can tell us what you believe are the main housing and wider environmental issues. 

The closing date for comments was 5.00pm on Saturday 24 December 2022.

What happens next

Your comments will help us to explore options for schemes in the areas, and where possible, apply for funding.

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