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Have your say on physical activity in County Durham

Are you less active than you were? Do you want to be more active but do not know where to start, or you want to know what help is available for you in County Durham? This is your opportunity to help us to understand how we can help you to be more active in your everyday life.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey to help us better understand how we can improve ways in which people can be more physically active in the future.  We received 313 responses, and you told us that the top barriers were, health, time pressures and how you feel about starting something new or different.  Many of you told us that walking was your favourite way of being active.

As a result, many partners across the county are working together to support our communities to be able to move more in our everyday lives. We are using your feedback to develop a Moving Together in County Durham Strategy and we will be consulting on the strategy in summer 2023.


We all know that moving more and being active helps to keep your mind and body healthy and has both short and long term benefits. It's often easier said than done.

The Covid-19 lockdown also had an impact, with some people saying they are less active than they were before, and some finding a new love of the outdoors.

Depending on your lifestyle, being active can mean different things. For some it might be walking, cycling and playing sport, but for others it might be walking to the shops, housework, climbing the stairs or, if you're housebound, just making sure you move about regularly during your day.

There is lots to do in County Durham, indoor and out. You might be busy with family, have work commitments, have a health condition, be living with overweight or lack confidence to start something new. Joining a running club or walking group, a gym or leisure centre may be a step too far. Also, going for a walk in the county's network of paths, parks and green spaces may feel like it's beyond you. When we are inactive, moving even a small amount can offer huge benefits to our health.

Our strategy

Moving Together in County Durham is our new physical activity strategy to help you be more active, live longer, and have healthier and happier lives.

We want to understand how:

  • we can help you make the first steps to becoming more active in your everyday life
  • communities can work together and support one another, so that everyone can take advantage of the benefits of being more active
  • we can work together to help you

We wanted to hear from you if you struggle to move or you want to start moving more but do not know where to start. What might be best for you and your lifestyle?

We have already talked to groups and organisations that offer ways to stay active and now we are going to be talking to children and older adults, people with health conditions, disabilities and those who want a fresh start to find out what would help.

Have your say

The closing date is comments was 5.00pm on 5 December 2022.

What happens next

Your responses will help us to understand what is needed in communities and we will work with groups, organisations to offer activities in different ways so that people who want to be more active get a range of help and support in their local community.

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