Right to Buy - buying your council home
Right to buy is a government scheme that gives secure tenants the right to buy the property that they rent from the council.
This means that you can buy your own home without having to pay the full purchase price. Because you will receive a discount, this means you can usually buy your home for far less than on the open market.
What discount is available
See Gov.uk: Right to Buy - buying your council home.
Who is eligible
If you are a secure tenant and have held a public sector tenancy for three years and your secure tenancy was in existence before 18 January 2005 you may be able to purchase the property that you live in. For anyone else, you can only qualify after you have spent at least 3 years as a public sector tenant.
Who cannot buy
- any tenant who has a service tenancy in connection with their job
- any sheltered housing tenant
- any tenant whose home has been adapted, or is particularly suitable for use by a disabled person, or elderly person
Who to contact
If you are one of our a secure or flexible tenants, you may be eligible for Right to Buy and can contact us about it.
If you are a tenant of a Housing Associations, contact your housing provider for more information about Right to Acquire, which is a scheme for non-council tenants. Note: we deal with Right to Buy and Right to Acquire applications on behalf of Believe Housing Limited.
Where a property has been sold under the 'right to buy' scheme, we don't retain the title deeds. If you have bought your property with a mortgage or loan, the deeds will be retained by your mortgage lender.
Your title deeds are important documents. If you hold the deeds to your property yourself, you should ensure they are kept in a secure place.
- Email righttobuy@durham.gov.uk
- Telephone 0300 026 9692