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The following systems will be unavailable from 4.55pm on Wednesday 19 February until 7.30am on Thursday 20 February: our online Council Tax, business rates and housing benefit system, and our welfare assistance form. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Home Improvement Loan Scheme

If you're struggling to afford essential improvements, repairs or adaptations to your home, we may be able to help.

A home improvement loan is a low cost, means-tested loan for those homeowners who need it most. 

Download the Home improvement loan leaflet (PDF, 200 KB) or Contact Home Improvement Agency for more information or to ask for a Home Improvement Loan Scheme enquiry pack.

Who is eligible for a home improvement loan

If you are unable to borrow from a bank or building society, you may be eligible for a home improvement loan. Subject to certain conditions, and a financial assessment, you may qualify if you are:

  • an owner occupier
  • the owner of an empty property
  • a private landlord

The type of work the loan can pay for

A survey of your home will identify what works can be included such as:

  • renewing electrical wiring
  • repair or replace a leaking roof
  • a new and efficient heating system
  • new windows and doors

To find out if the work you require in your home is included, please Contact Home Improvement Agency.

The application process

If you qualify for assistance after completing a financial assessment:

  • A home survey will be carried out.
  • We'll draw up a schedule of work, and find estimates for this work. If the schedule and estimates are agreed, a loan offer will be made.
  • If you accept our loan offer, a charge will be registered against your property at the HM Land Registry under the Land Registration Act 2002, until the loan is repaid in full (a condition of the loan). 
  • You'll get support from a member of our Loans Team.

If your loan is agreed, our Home Improvement Agency will supervise the work on your behalf.

In a similar way to your bank or building society, we will not provide loans that are deemed unaffordable for the applicant and which may cause subsequent financial hardship. The award of a loan is subject to our available budget, which we review once a year.

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